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Dherar Belhoul al Falasi
His Excellency Dherar Belhoul al Falasi is the Chairman of Cruickshank & Dean Global Intelligence.
He served for years as a member of the Federal National Council of the United Arab Emirates. He founded the Watani Al Emarat Foundation, one of the leading public policy institutes in the GCC, where he previously served as Executive Director.
He is the recipient of numerous honors and medals including the UAE Minister of Interior’s Medal of Excellence for Social Service. His leadership in the fields of philanthropy, the charitable sector, and volunteer work have made a big impact in the UAE, the GCC region and far beyond. He has worked to raise global awareness about the threats facing the most vulnerable around the world, including women and children.
He played a critical leadership role in the UAE’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic, widely recognized as one of the most effective public health responses anywhere in the world. He is the author of several books and numerous articles on a wide range of topics, including relating to global security.
He has been a tireless champion of the United Arab Emirates, working to strengthen its community ties, preserve its cultural heritage, protect its national security, bolster its international relationships, and cement its future as a key global hub for the 21st century economy.

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